Wednesday, 5 November 2014


A Little Something Different
 Sandy Hall

PUBLISHER: Swoon Reads
GENRE: Contemporary
PAGES: 272
SOURCE: Waterstones/Amazon

The creative writing teacher, the delivery guy, the local Starbucks baristas, his best friend, her roommate, and the squirrel in the park all have one thing in common—they believe that Gabe and Lea should get together. Lea and Gabe are in the same creative writing class. They get the same pop culture references, order the same Chinese food, and hang out in the same places. Unfortunately, Lea is reserved, Gabe has issues, and despite their initial mutual crush, it looks like they are never going to work things out.  But somehow even when nothing is going on, something is happening between them, and everyone can see it. Their creative writing teacher pushes them together. The baristas at Starbucks watch their relationship like a TV show. Their bus driver tells his wife about them. The waitress at the diner automatically seats them together. Even the squirrel who lives on the college green believes in their relationship. 

Surely Gabe and Lea will figure out that they are meant to be together....


A little something different is exactly that. It's something unique, I liked that it was written from 14 different view points, none being the two main characters, I thought was a really interesting take on a story. You were reading about their love story from an outside prospective rather that from the point of view of one of the characters which I really enjoyed as I felt like I was as invested in the love story as well as the other characters in the book. 

I really enjoyed getting to know Gabe and Lea through the eyes of all the people around them as they were very likeable characters that I definitely joined in the want for them to be together throughout the whole book. This is only short book, which I liked as it meant I could read it in one sitting and use it as a cute, fluffy break from another book I was reading. 

There were however a couple of faults (only small ones though); this being that at times I got so frustrated with how Gabe or Lea acted, like I literally wanted to tell them to get a grip on so many occasions and felt in certain parts, some of the point of view's seemed to be slow and some felt like more could have been written but that may just have been a matter of enjoying certain perspectives that others,

On the whole I did like this book. It was a cute and quick, fun read. I was definitely rooting for Lea and Gabe throughout the story.

Monday, 3 November 2014

November TBR

Wow. How are we already in november? This month I am back in university after many many months (at least that's how it feels) of placement which can only mean one thing MORE TIME TO READ and with more time and my inability to not buy book comes quite the the list of books that I want to read.

THE YEAR I MET YOU - Cecelia Ahern

Firstly. I just have to say that I did the one thing you're not meant to do. I couldn't help it. I JUDGED A BOOK BY IT'S COVER. I am a very impulse buyer when it comes to books with pretty covers and this is no exception. I was just drawn to it in Waterstones.

I'll be honest. I have no clue what it's about but I'm excited to read it none the less.

 CHAMPION - Marie Lu

I have been trying to complete this series for so long now that I will force myself to power through this in November, I am currently about 100 pages into Prodigy so as soon as that is completed I will be picking this straight up.

I am enjoying reading this but I think my lack of time to read is making me have a lack of focus and investment into reading a whole trilogy rather than stand alone books.

This month I will finish this trilogy, I will.

IF I STAY - Gayle Forman

This book has been on my wishlist since before it was even announced it was going to be a film and I finally got round to picking up a copy this weekend so it's a must to read. At only 201 pages long I should be able to fly through this and the sequel: Where She Went super quick which I'm looking forward to at some point this month.

BLACK ICE Becca Fitzpatrick

I have seen so much buzz around this book in book world so I picked it up. I'm looking forward to reading this as it's not usually the kind oft book I go for, but I've some good things about it.

Becca Fitzpatrick is also doing an event in a Waterstones near where I live so I'm hoping to be able to read this before the event, so I can go meet her having read the book.


I have been watching Zoe's youtube for so long and I have been so excited for this book ever since she announced she was writing a book. I love her videos so really looking forward to read her first ever book.

I am sceptical about it though, I feel like it is going to very hyped up just because of who she is so I'm hoping that it will be a good read.

It comes out at the end of November so I'll be reading it at the very end of month.

I don't know whether I'll manage to read all these this month but I can try.