I wasn't actually tagged to do this by anyone but I thought it was a really good tag so I thought I'd do it anyway. It was created by Dana Square & A Perfection Called Books.
How do you keep track of your TBR pile?
Honestly, I don't. My bookshelf is small and the amount of books I have is rapidly growing at a rate I can barely keep up with (and shamefully, I keep buying more books) so when it comes to my TBR books, they're just muddled in with the rest of my books, hoping I'll remember and eventually get to them.
Is your TBR mostly print or ebook?
Print. I have a few books on my iPad but these are mostly books I just bought on a whim when if they were free or really cheap and frankly, I just prefer the feeling on holding a print book in my hands and the satisfaction of turning each page.
How do you determine what to read next?
It's usually just what I feel like reading at the time. Most often it's a new book I've bought that I'll just read straight away or just a random book that I've had a while and need to read.
A book that's been on your TBR the longest:
Gone Girl. A supermarket near where I live had 2 for £7 deal on books and I wanted to buy a book that I'd wanted for a while (I cant even remember what the other book was now) so I just randomly picked Gone Girl, not having a clue what it was about and to be honest, I've never had any interest in reading it. It wasn't until the film came out recently that I actually thought "I need to read that soon" but never did.
A book you recently added to your TBR:
Love, Rosie. I bought this recently as I have started to really like Cecelia Ahern's books and with the film to it recently been released I just couldn't resist.
A Thousand Pieces of You. The cover is gorgeous!!! I've also heard so many good things about this book so I couldn't resist buying it and having it in my possession to enjoy.
A book on your TBR you never plan on reading:
Again, probably Gone Girl. Upon recommendation from a friend who loves the cinema more than anyone I've ever met, I went to see it BEFORE reading the book (shock horror) and since I didn't actually particularly like the film, I now have even less interest in reading the book than I did before.
An unpublished book on your TBR that you're excited for:
AHH. There's so many, seriously my preorder list on Amazon is so long. The one I'm most excited for though is probably The Proof of Forever. I love cute contemporary reads and I feel that this one won't fail to impress me.
A book on your TBR that basically everyone's read but you:
The Book Thief. I feel that everyone and their dog has read this book. I'm actually quite ashamed that I haven't yet. I only recently bought it and I just haven't gotten around to reading it yet due to reading other books, I have been wanting to read it for so long though.
A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you:
In this case, "everyone" means bookbloggers or booktubers because I'll be honest, where else do I get book recommendations from? I think the only book on my TBR that a lot of people have recommended is The Maze Runner. So many people have said how good this series is so when I was in Costco recently, I bought the whole set.
A book on your TBR you're dying to read:
If I stay. I have been wanting to read this book and it's sequel for so long and only in the past few weeks have I actually bought them. They are next on my mental "I need to read that" list and I can't wait to get to them. They are both only short so hopefully I'll be able to fly through them soon.
How many books are on your Goodreads TBR shelf?
I currently have 35 books on my Goodreads TBR shelf, this is partly because I don't really use Goodreads all that much. I'll put that I've read a book and give a book I've read a star rating or look at reviews for a book I've not heard about but that's about it. I don't utilise all it's features.
I'm going to TAG anyone who also wants to do this.
What's on your TBR pile?