Friday, 14 November 2014

Fairytale Re-Tellings I MUST Read

Lately it has come to my attention that there a LOT of fairytale retellings around the booksphere (can you misspell a made up word?)  and have suddenly had an urge to read them all, because who didn't love a good fairy tale story when they were young, I did. I obviously can't read every single one but there's a few I must have and I must read. 


This series is retelling of a selection of traditional fairy tales, not just one: Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel and Snow White but with a   sci-fi, fantasy twist, in a world of cyborgs and androids.

I have seen such a buzz around this series and can't wait to read it. I believe the first three books are already released with the fourth to come out the end of 2015. 

A re-telling of a childhood favourite of mine: Alice in Wonderland. With a Zombie twist. I've never read anything with Zombie's in before so this will definitely be something new for me, but I'm excited. 

This is a trilogy with the third book just having been released so I'm excited to get them all in my possession.
SPLINTERED - A. G. Howard 

This series is another Alice in Wonderland re-telling, however this is written from the prospective of Alice's descendent, Alyssa and is set in a Wonderland much darker and mysterious than the original story.

If anything else, I was originally drawn into this series for the cover. It's gorgeous! I am looking forward to reading this series in the near future.  

 HANSEL & GRETEL - Neil Gaiman

I have been wanting to read a Neil Gaiman book for so long as so many people on youtube and blogs have said how good of a writer he is. When I saw this on Amazon I just had to pre-order. What better way to get into Neil Gaiman's writing than with a darker re-telling of Hansel & Gretel and who doesn't love a book that has illustrations to accompany the story. I know I do.

When I saw this series being reviewed on youtube I automatically knew I wanted to read it. Jackson Pearce has taken four fairy tale's and taken her own spin on them; Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, The Little Mermaid and The Snow Queen.

I feel like these books will be interesting reads and have really good reviews on GoodReads so I'm really looking forward to reading them.

ENTWINED - Heather Dixon

This book is based on the fairytale The Twelve Dancing Princesses, which I've never read or heard of before so I'm not sure what to expect when reading this book as far as story line goes or how alike to the original story it will be but I think based on reviews it will be a good read. 

Does anyone have any fairytale retelling recommendations?